

Asset Green Tech is your all-in-one source of high-quality procurement combined with customized supply chain solutions.

Since [Insert Year], we have provided a vast inventory of electronic components to our customers worldwide. Many companies acquire top-notch quality IC chips, semiconductor products, and other electronic components.

As we partner with manufacturers worldwide, we source current, in-demand, highly allocated, hard-to-find, end-of-life, and obsolete electronic components for customers in different industries. Aside from our reliable sourcing capabilities and quick processing, we also maintain a full stock of components from trusted and competitive brands names. In return, we became an all-in-one platform for new and old electronic components.

The core industries we serve are the following but not limited to:


For many years, we have been facilitating the expansion of this industry by providing effective supply chain management solutions to IT and telecommunications departments. So, our customers can find and source the necessary parts and components they need. We will help minimize the amount of time needed to bring new, high-quality products to this industry. 

Mobile Devices 

The supply chain of the mobile device market quickly becomes unwieldy due to constant product innovation. Continuous development in mobile technology further makes sourcing operations complicated. Asset Green Tech is positioned to acquire electronic components currently in production, completely obsolete, or emerging in popularity. We are committed to supporting mobile device manufacturers in all stages of product development.


We strive to source reputable and reliable components to ensure proper performance. We provide medical OEMs with high-quality components that match their needs and exceed their expectations. We always take a proactive approach to ensure 100% legitimacy in our offerings. No single component is exempted from our strict product testing procedures.


This industry embraces new electronic technologies unprecedently, from onboard navigation systems to complete autonomous vehicles. The ever-changing demand of consumers requires manufacturers to innovate in electronic technology continuously. In return, additional elements become necessary in an already wide-ranging supply chain.

Here are some of the new supply chain considerations that manufacturers have to keep in mind:

  • Real-time visibility 
  • Outbound fulfillment 
  • Network platform 
  • Integrated inbound 
  • Integrated business planning 
  • Aftermarket parts 

AGT is knowledgeable in the global challenges faced by automotive OEMs. We also partner with trusted brands to source materials necessary for onboard electronics.


We deeply understand that customers in the aerospace industry are concerned about the legitimacy and quality of the components. That is why we implement the zero-tolerance policy dedicated to counterfeit components. We carefully verify all parts through visual, dimensional, and mechanical assessments based on the industry-standard screening.

Our global supply chain networks and extensive product knowledge provide reliable, turnkey solutions for critical electronic components to industries that rely on them for their everyday operations. Contact us today for more information!