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Here at Asset Green Tech, we are highly committed to delivering high-quality and reliable products and services. We have a knowledgeable and experienced team who will handle all our customer need, ensuring a high satisfaction level at all times.

We know that you have several questions in mind. Hopefully, this frequently asked questions section will give you the best possible answers

Asset Green Tech is a reliable and trusted supply chain platform of high-quality and affordable electronic components. The platform combines the power of artificial intelligence and big data to offer dependable services, including risk management, cost calculation, substitute materials suggestion, and supply chain management.

Asset Green Tech is a reliable and trusted supply chain platform of high-quality and affordable electronic components. The platform combines the power of artificial intelligence and big data to offer dependable services, including risk management, cost calculation, substitute materials suggestion, and supply chain management.

Asset Green Tech is one of the leading wholesalers and retailers of electronic components, from IC chips to semiconductor products. They are supported by thousands of original factories and authorized agents and gained years of experience in the ever-demanding electronic component industry. The electronic component platform aims to help those manufacturers and other related businesses offer their products worldwide.

This leading independent electronic component distributor can help their customers in many ways, including cost downing the current regular orders and minimizing the supplier management costs. Choosing Asset Green Tech also helps improve business efficiency by offering one-stop supply chain services. 

While Asset Green Tech accepts quotation requests and orders within 24 hours per day regardless of the business hours and days, the platform provides quotations and processes during business times.

AGT Business Hours: [Enter Business Days and Time]

AGT has a professional and experienced business development department that strictly and thoroughly examines and verifies the original manufacturers and agents’ qualifications. All of them must pass the qualification examination prior to putting their products on the shelves.

AGT pays more attention to the quality and channel of the products than other distributors. They are very strict with supplier audits, giving their customers peace of mind at all times.

Asset Green Tech does not promise every piece of component’s lowest price. They guarantee product quality, where all products from the original manufacturers or authorized agents will undergo quality assurance first. Plus, the distributor strives to provide a better price and fast delivery date. They also ensure the difference between the order price and the spot price.

AGT updates its inventory within 24 hours periodically since the inventory’s fluidity is vast. Once the customers place their orders, they are advised to confirm their orders with the AGT supplier’s customer service before paying

First, interested customers have to search the materials or BOMs. Next is they have to confirm the price and stock. After that, they have to add to cart their orders and then confirm the invoice information and address. Finally, they have to submit the orders and pay.

Yes. Asset Green Tech accepts offline orders. Customers can contact AGT’s customer service representatives to help them customize their requirements. They are also free to submit purchase orders via email. Please send notes to XXX@XXX.com

AGT accepts different online payment methods, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards. Customers can contact AGT’s customer service representatives to confirm the payment method they can use. Choosing the payment method they believe can provide convenience and the fast transaction is recommended.